Aug 9Liked by Théa Rosenburg

I like where this walk down memory lane has taken you. It’s a good reminder that we *can* still connect with people in person, even in this digital age.

I loved Murder, She Wrote growing up—probably because my mom has always been a classic mystery fan and converted me. Our family has watched some of the old shows, too. It really is fun to experience that bit of back-in-time feel. We’ve been making our way through Remington Steele which has that same feel.

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Thea, this was a thought-provoking read, for sure; I resonated with everything. I have to confess that in my head "What Would Jessica Do?" kept rolling around. You know, like the WWJD bracelets???? (Another corny thing about the 80's-or was it 90's?-to maybe leave where it was).

But still--I like your boots-on-the-ground, interact with actual humans (who don't want to sell me anything) reminder a great deal. Thank you.

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I love it! We need some "What Would Jessica Fletcher Do?" bracelets! :)

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Aug 9Liked by Théa Rosenburg

I connect with this. I often feel nostalgic for my analog days—the days I can personally remember—so books and shows set during the 80s and 90s remind me of what it was like when those limits were simply a given, and (maybe) I was better and freer for them?? 🥰

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Aug 9Liked by Théa Rosenburg

This is wonderful. You and I have similar thoughts. Slowing down. Talking to people. Not relying on technology as much and sharpening our own ingenuity and problem solving abilities. I may just have to have a cup of tea and sit with Jessica Fletcher for a while.

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Oh, do it! She's good company--I think you two would get along great :)

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