Thank you! I am SO OVER the brave princess stories (an unpopular opinion in our culture, it seems). The plot line that we are enough within ourselves places so much pressure on girls to strive for perfection. While the stories seem empowering on the surface, they leave readers drowning the gaping void between who they are and who they should be. We need more stories that embrace the idea that we are broken, imperfect, and flawed individuals who are redeemed by a power OUTSIDE of ourselves. ***Stepping off my soap box***

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Oh goodness, I'm right on that soap box with you! Well said, Erin :)

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May 20Liked by Théa Rosenburg

I am so glad for a recommendation on a book by Gail Carson Levine. I had a season as a youth where I read every book I could find by her. This one I hadn't heard of. Thank you!

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May 19Liked by Théa Rosenburg

Great review! I’ve always been impressed with Levine’s stories and characters (including this one). She’s so good at taking the reader in unexpected (and non-clichéd) paths that are just the right ones.

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